6 Most Interesting facts in Peacock

6 Most Interesting facts in Peacock

Peacock is a colorful and graceful bird that belongs to the pheasant family. It is one of the most beautiful birds in the world and is widely recognized for its bright and iridescent plumage. In this article, we will discuss the physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and significance of peacocks.

Physical Characteristics:

Peacocks are large and impressive birds, with males being larger than females. They are known for their striking blue-green feathers with a distinctive eye-shaped pattern on their tail feathers. Peacock feathers are incredibly beautiful and are often used in various decorative items such as fans, costumes, and jewelry.

Peacocks have a crest of feathers on their head that they can raise and lower. They also have a bare patch of skin on their face that is bright blue, and their legs are spindly and black.


Peacocks are native to the Indian subcontinent, but they have also been introduced to many other parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Africa. They live in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even urban areas. Peacocks prefer areas with dense vegetation where they can find shelter and roost in trees at night.


Peacocks are social birds that live in groups called parties. The male peacock displays its feathers to attract females during the mating season, which occurs from March to June. The male peacock fans out its tail feathers, making them look like a huge fan. It then makes a loud, high-pitched call to attract the attention of the female peahen.


Peacocks are omnivores and feed on a variety of foods, including insects, plants, and small animals. They are known for their sharp vision and can see predators from a distance.


Peacocks have played an important role in various cultures and religions throughout history. In Hinduism, peacocks are associated with the god of thunder and are considered sacred. In Greek mythology, the peacock is associated with the goddess Hera and is believed to symbolize immortality.

In modern times, peacocks are often kept as ornamental birds in zoos, parks, and private collections. They are also used in various art forms, including paintings, sculptures, and embroidery.

Peacocks are fascinating birds, and there are many interesting facts about them. Here are six of the most interesting facts about peacocks:

Only the male peacock is called a "peacock." The female is called a "peahen," and together, they are called "peafowl."

The brightly colored feathers on a male peacock's tail are actually not the feathers themselves but rather elongated upper tail coverts. These feathers are responsible for the peacock's distinctive and impressive display.

Peacocks are known for their beautiful blue-green coloring, but their feathers are actually brown. The iridescent coloring is caused by the way the feathers reflect light.

The peacock's call is a loud, high-pitched sound that can be heard from a great distance. The sound is often compared to a scream or a loud meow.

Peacocks are able to fly, but they don't usually fly very far. They prefer to run and will take off into the air only when necessary, such as to escape danger.

Peacocks have been domesticated for thousands of years and have been kept as ornamental birds in many cultures. They were first brought to Europe by Alexander the Great and were later kept as status symbols by the wealthy.

6 Benefits of Apple  

Overall, peacocks are remarkable birds with many unique and interesting characteristics. Their beauty and grace have captivated humans for centuries, and they continue to be a beloved symbol of elegance and extravagance.

In conclusion, peacocks are fascinating birds that are known for their striking beauty and graceful movements. They play an important role in various cultures and religions and are beloved by people all over the world. If you ever have the opportunity to see a peacock in person, take a moment to appreciate its stunning beauty and unique characteristics. 

